This guide shows how to implement common API patterns using Python. We’ll create a complete example that creates and monitors a browser automation task.

Basic Implementation

Here’s a simple implementation using Python’s requests library to stream the task steps:

import json
import time

import requests

API_KEY = 'your_api_key_here'
HEADERS = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}'}

def create_task(instructions: str):
	"""Create a new browser automation task"""
	response ='{BASE_URL}/run-task', headers=HEADERS, json={'task': instructions})
	return response.json()['id']

def get_task_status(task_id: str):
	"""Get current task status"""
	response = requests.get(f'{BASE_URL}/task/{task_id}/status', headers=HEADERS)
	return response.json()

def get_task_details(task_id: str):
	"""Get full task details including output"""
	response = requests.get(f'{BASE_URL}/task/{task_id}', headers=HEADERS)
	return response.json()

def wait_for_completion(task_id: str, poll_interval: int = 2):
	"""Poll task status until completion"""
	count = 0
	unique_steps = []
	while True:
		details = get_task_details(task_id)
		new_steps = details['steps']
		# use only the new steps that are not in unique_steps.
		if new_steps != unique_steps:
			for step in new_steps:
				if step not in unique_steps:
					print(json.dumps(step, indent=4))
			unique_steps = new_steps
		count += 1
		status = details['status']

		if status in ['finished', 'failed', 'stopped']:
			return details

def main():
	task_id = create_task('Open and search for openai')
	print(f'Task created with ID: {task_id}')
	task_details = wait_for_completion(task_id)
	print(f"Final output: {task_details['output']}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Task Control Example

Here’s how to implement task control with pause/resume functionality:

def control_task():
    # Create a new task
    task_id = create_task("Go to and search for Browser Use")

    # Wait for 5 seconds

    # Pause the task
    requests.put(f"{BASE_URL}/pause-task?task_id={task_id}", headers=HEADERS)
    print("Task paused! Check the live preview.")

    # Wait for user input
    input("Press Enter to resume...")

    # Resume the task
    requests.put(f"{BASE_URL}/resume-task?task_id={task_id}", headers=HEADERS)

    # Wait for completion
    result = wait_for_completion(task_id)
    print(f"Task completed with output: {result['output']}")

Remember to handle your API key securely and implement proper error handling in production code.