The Browser Use Cloud API lets you create and manage browser automation agents programmatically. Each agent can execute tasks and provide real-time feedback through a live preview URL.


You need an active subscription and an API key from


The Browser Use Cloud API is priced at $0.05 per step that agent executes.

Since Browser Use has the ability to execute multiple steps at the same time, the price for filling out forms much lower than other services.

Creating Your First Agent

Create a new browser automation task by providing instructions in natural language:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer your_api_key_here" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "task": "Go to and search for Browser Use"

The API returns a task ID that you can use to manage the task and check the live preview URL.

The task response includes a live_url that you can embed in an iframe to watch and control the agent in real-time.

Managing Tasks

Control running tasks with these operations:

For detailed API documentation, see the tabs on the left, which includes the full coverage of the API.

Building your own client (OpenAPI)

We recommend this only if you don’t need control and only need to run simple tasks.

The best way to build your own client is to use our OpenAPI specification to generate a type-safe client library.


Use openapi-python-client to generate a modern Python client:

# Install the generator
pipx install openapi-python-client --include-deps

# Generate the client
openapi-python-client generate --url

This will create a Python package with full type hints, modern dataclasses, and async support.


For TypeScript projects, use openapi-typescript to generate type definitions:

# Install the generator
npm install -D openapi-typescript

# Generate the types
npx openapi-typescript -o browser-use-api.ts

This will create TypeScript definitions that you can use with your preferred HTTP client.

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