
Browser Use is the easiest way to connect your AI agents with the browser. It makes websites accessible for AI agents by providing a powerful, yet simple interface for browser automation.

If you have used Browser Use for your project, feel free to show it off in our Discord community!

Getting Started

Fancy Demos

Writing in Google Docs

Task: Write a letter in Google Docs to my Papa, thanking him for everything, and save the document as a PDF.

Job Applications

Task: Read my CV & find ML jobs, save them to a file, and then start applying for them in new tabs.

Task: Find flights on kayak.com from Zurich to Beijing.

Data Collection

Task: Look up models with a license of cc-by-sa-4.0 and sort by most likes on Hugging Face, save top 5 to file.

Community & Support

Browser Use is MIT licensed and actively maintained. We welcome contributions and feedback from the community!