Basic Function Registration

Functions can be either sync or async. Keep them focused and single-purpose.

from browser_use import Controller, ActionResult
# Initialize the controller
controller = Controller()

@controller.action('Ask user for information')
def ask_human(question: str) -> str:
    answer = input(f'\n{question}\nInput: ')
    return ActionResult(extracted_content=answer)

Basic Controller has all basic functionality you might need to interact with the browser already implemented.

# ... then pass controller to the agent
agent = Agent(

Keep the function name and description short and concise. The Agent use the function solely based on the name and description. The stringified output of the action is passed to the Agent.

Browser-Aware Functions

For actions that need browser access, simply add the browser parameter inside the function parameters:

from browser_use import Browser, Controller, ActionResult

controller = Controller()
@controller.action('Open website')
async def open_website(url: str, browser: Browser):
    page = browser.get_current_page()
    await page.goto(url)
    return ActionResult(extracted_content='Website opened')

Structured Parameters with Pydantic

For complex actions, you can define parameter schemas using Pydantic models:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional
from browser_use import Controller, ActionResult, Browser

controller = Controller()

class JobDetails(BaseModel):
    title: str
    company: str
    job_link: str
    salary: Optional[str] = None

    'Save job details which you found on page',
async def save_job(params: JobDetails, browser: Browser):
    print(f"Saving job: {params.title} at {}")

    # Access browser if needed
    page = browser.get_current_page()
    await page.goto(params.job_link)

Using Custom Actions with multiple agents

You can use the same controller for multiple agents.

controller = Controller()

# ... register actions to the controller

agent = Agent(
    task="Go to website X and find the latest news",

# Run the agent

agent2 = Agent(
    task="Go to website Y and find the latest news",


The controller is stateless and can be used to register multiple actions and multiple agents.

Exclude functions

If you want less actions to be used by the agent, you can exclude them from the controller.

controller = Controller(exclude_actions=['open_tab', 'google_search'])

For more examples like file upload or notifications, visit examples/custom-functions.