Custom output format

With this example you can define what output format the agent should return to you.

from pydantic import BaseModel
# Define the output format as a Pydantic model
class Post(BaseModel):
	post_title: str
	post_url: str
	num_comments: int
	hours_since_post: int

class Posts(BaseModel):
	posts: List[Post]

controller = Controller(output_model=Posts)

async def main():
	task = 'Go to hackernews show hn and give me the first  5 posts'
	model = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-4o')
	agent = Agent(task=task, llm=model, controller=controller)

	history = await

	result = history.final_result()
	if result:
		parsed: Posts = Posts.model_validate_json(result)

		for post in parsed.posts:
			print(f'Title:            {post.post_title}')
			print(f'URL:              {post.post_url}')
			print(f'Comments:         {post.num_comments}')
			print(f'Hours since post: {post.hours_since_post}')
		print('No result')

if __name__ == '__main__':